Well Conservatives, Nancy opened her mouth again in attempts to make America weaker and less significant!

Apparently, according to Ms. Pelosi, it isn’t fair to the criminals that we would dare enforce our laws on them ~ even though illegal aliens are one of the main reasons that California is going bankrupt. Stop giving non citizens freebies and expecting the rest of us to pay for it!

From Fox News
The speaker of the House told a group of both legal and illegal immigrants recently that  enforcement of immigration laws in the United States is “un-American.”

The speaker, condemning raids by Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents, referred to the immigrants she was addressing as “very, very patriotic.”

“Who in this country would not want to change a policy of kicking in doors in the middle of the night and sending a parent away from their families?” Pelosi told a mostly Hispanic gathering at St. Anthony’s Church in San Francisco.

To read the rest of this story, go to www.FoxNews.com/politics/2009/03/18/pelosi-tells-illegal-immigrants-work-site-raids-american/