Vote Republican
The County is represented by 3 State Assembly Districts, the 28th, 29th, and 75th and the 10th State Senate District.
In each election, we are faced with tremendous issues and obstacles that will determine the landscape of both Polk County and Wisconsin as a whole. We are now facing some of the most prevalent crisis in our nation’s history as a result of the out-of-control liberal ideas like high taxes, big government, socialized health care, weak National Defense, and dependence on foreign oil.
Hold Fast
After the election of 2008, when President Obama and the very liberals who caused many of these issues were elected, the Polk County Republican Party made a decision. We decided that we were going to be Conservative first and Republicans second.
After the success of the 2016 election, which turned Wisconsin Red again, we were more than disappointed to watch Joe Biden elected President! We now must focus on 2023 and 2024!
We need to be prepared to work hard to win back White House in 2024!

Join Us for MAGA PALOOZA on January 11th at Big Rock Creek
Elected Leadership
Wisconsin needs leadership that we can trust to make decisions in the best interest of our Country, State, and County. We encourage all interested Republicans to become active in the political process. It is an amazing honor to be a part of the solution rather than another number.

United States Senate

7th Congressional District
Rep. Tom Tiffany

25th Senate District
Senator Romaine Quinn

75th Assembly District
Rep. Duke Tucker
Vote Republican

Updated Constitution Passed at the Annual Caucus
Membership voted unanimously to pass the updated Constitution at it's annual caucus on February 4th, 2024. The revised constitution clarifies the responsibilities of the Executive Committee officers, establishes a policy of open meetings, creates a new 2nd...
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Inquiries about the Polk County Republican Party can be directed to: