Rally for Governor Scott Walker in Osceola, WI
Monday, June 4, 6-8pm
Phil Mattison’s Hangar at the Osceola Airport
Confirmed Speakers
** Sheila Harsdorf – State Senator **
** Erik Severson – State Assembly **
** Roger Rivard – State Assembly **
Come at 6:00 for an old fashioned Pot Luck
Speakers at 7:00
Vocals by Gae Magnafici
Everyone welcome
We will have the plates, you bring your favorite recipe.
A grill will be available.
Hot dogs and beverages provided by Phil Mattison & the Polk County Republican Party [first come first served]
Directions to the Hangar: From Hwy 35 in Osceola, go east on County Rd M for 1.5 miles. Turn south [right] on Simmon Drive. Turn west [right] on Airport Rd. Second hangar on the left.
Hosted by: The Polk County Republican Party