July 4, 2010

So—Obama tells people in Racine that his recovery from Bush’s recession is in full swing.

Unemployment is 9.5 % and closer to 17% if you count underemployed or people who are no longer eligible for unemployment. The stock market has had the worst two weeks in several months. We are in the worst and longest recession since the Great Depression and “The One” says it’s all a good thing.  VP “Bite Me” Biden calls a businessman—also in Wisconsin campaigning for Russ “Foolsgold” for the Senate– a “smart ass” for GIVING the idiot VP a yogurt cone and asking him to hold down our taxes… During the same visit Biden announces that there is no way we can recreate the lost 8 million private sector jobs that he and Obama, with willing support of Kohl, Obey and Feingold, have cost us.

But the recovery is just booming..?? When Reagan inherited from Carter what used to be the worst recession since the Great Depression, his policies led to the creation of 15-20 million new private sector jobs.. And the queen of San Francisco—our illustrious Speaker of the House– and third in line to the Presidency-tells us that the more unemployment we have, the more unemployment benefits are paid out, the more the economy is “stimulated” and the more jobs are created…Really??? So—high unemployment is a good thing???

And the Queen of Massachusetts—Bowny Fwank—brings down the gavel on a conference committee banking bill that will-if passed- put the final nail in the coffin of what used to be a private banking system.  And our local state legislator and her fawning supporters tell us that higher taxes and an anti-business climate created by the socialists in the governor’s mansion and the legislature have nothing to do with businesses leaving Wisconsin for Mexico and China…   Hmmmm!

Happy “Dependence Day”

November 2, 2010 is Election Day!  Let’s make November 2, 2010 the day we Throw Incumbents Out!!

~Bob Blake