There are many reasons to oppose President Obama’s push to take over the nation’s health care system, but among the most important is this one: his plan will put Planned Parenthood clinics inside your child’s school.

Yes, you read that right. Under an innocuous-sounding section titled “School-Based Health Clinics,” H.R. 3200 will authorize Planned Parenthood, as a “sponsoring facility,” to run a clinic during school hours on the grounds of public schools, with absolutely no accountability either to parents or school administrators.

Clinics would be accountable only to the Secretary of Health & Human Services, the radically pro-abortion Kathleen Sebelius, who was a fervent supporter of late-term abortionist George Tiller.

All this will be done at taxpayer expense. And unlike the rest of the bill, which isn’t slated to go into effect until 2013, these clinics are scheduled to go into schools next fall.

As you know, Planned Parenthood is the nation’s largest abortion provider and the most dangerous purveyor of the mythical “safe sex” message which has deprived so many American teens of their sexual innocence and left them with diseases and unwanted pregnancies.