Join Representative Adam Jarchow, R-Balsam Lake, WI, for “Wisconsin’s Shame,” a first hand look into Wisconsin’s unconstitutional John Doe Investigation, targeting Governor Scott Walker and Wisconsin Conservatives.

Date: Tuesday, April 12, 2016
Time: 5:30pm
Place: St. Croix National Golf Course (Somerset, WI)
Cost: $30 (Minimum Suggested Contribution to Support Adam Jarchow for Assembly)

Wisconsin's Shame

Hear from Veteran Conservative Activist and Strategist, Deb Jordahl.

Ms. Jordahl will recount how her life and career were turned upside-down, simply for engaging in protected 1st Amendment speech, when her family was ensnared in the unconstitutional John Dow investigations, which included subjecting her family to a pre-dawn, paramilitary style raid of her home.

Conservative Media has labeled Wisconsin’s John Dow investigations into Governor Walker’s campaigns, “Wisconsin’s Shame”.

Learn more here: Wisconsins Shame How Free is Free Speech?