Scott Walker Madison, Wis. – The Friends of Scott Walker campaign released a new ad today titled “Cooking The Books,” which highlights Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett’s continued use of proven inaccurate statistics to show a crime rate drop in Milwaukee.

“In a desperate attempt to curry favor with the voters of Wisconsin, failed Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett is using false crime rate statistics to show a drop in the rate of violent crime in the state’s largest city,” said Walker campaign spokeswoman Ciara Matthews. “The people of the Badger State deserve the truth from a man seeking to unseat the duly elected governor, not misleading sound bites intended to hide the truth and real problems plaguing Milwaukee.”

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel released an article earlier this week highlighting the fact that Mayor Barrett has been touting a reduction in the violent crime rate of 2.3 percent, when in actuality the rate of violent offenses against the citizens of the state’s largest city has risen by 1.1 percent.

Legislative leaders and Governor Scott Walker have asked that an independent audit of the crime rates submitted to the federal government be undertaken to ensure that this failure of leadership from the top levels of city government never happens again.