Governor Walker Invested $180 Million In Workforce Development Efforts Aimed At Growing Wisconsin’s Workforce That Is The Best In The Nation.
Governor Walker Has Invested Heavily In The Wisconsin Technical College System And In His Most Recent Budget, Increased Funding By $5 Million. He also gave them flexibility over $22 million in grants, so they can fund programs based on performance and where there is the most need. (2013 Wisconsin Act 20)
- Act 10 Saved Technical Colleges Money So More Funds Are Available For Instruction. (Reforms and Results)
WTCS President Monica Foy Praised The Governor’s Budget Proposal. “The investment and resource flexibility included in the Governor’s budget proposal, combined with college and System efficiency improvements, will enable us to serve more students, respond to more employers’ workforce needs and make an even greater contribution to Wisconsin’s economic recovery and long-term prosperity.” (Monica Foy, “Joint Finance Testimony on the 2013-15 State Budget,” Wisconsin Technical College System, 3/21/13)
Investing In And Improving Our Workforce Has Been A Priority Under Governor Scott Walker.
Governor Walker Partnered With The University of Wisconsin System To Create A First-Of-Its-Kind Program Called The Flexible Degree Option. This first-in-the-nation competency-based program will help people finish their college educations at their own pace, creating more opportunities for them to become employed.
Governor Walker Provided A $31 million Investment In Training Programs For Able-Bodied Adults On Food Stamps. Beyond just traditional educational investments, Governor Walker’s budget provides worker training grants in areas of immediate need, including training for healthcare-related jobs in rural and high poverty areas. The workforce development package provides a hand up to those who are able to work—not just a hand out.
Governor Walker Appropriated $22.5 Million In Incentive Grants For UW System To Increase Degrees In High Demand Fields. (2013 Wisconsin Act 20)
Governor Walker Required The University Of Wisconsin System And The Wisconsin Technical College System To Create 30 Core Credits That Can Be Transferred Without Loss To The Student So Completion Of General Education Requirements Is Easier And Less Costly. (2013 Wisconsin Act 20)
Governor Walker’s Worker Training Plan Includes $50 Million for the Wisconsin Fast Forward and Blueprint for Prosperity Initiatives. In addition to worker training grants, this initiative includes the creation of a new Labor Market Information System, which will connect job seekers with employers in need of workers. The system will also help students decide what careers are growing and will be in need for workers in the future. This information will help better prepare them for jobs of tomorrow.
- Governor Walker’s Blueprint For Prosperity Added An Additional $28 Million For Technical Colleges To Train 4,908 Workers In High Demand Fields. (Scott Walker, “Blueprint for Prosperity: Governor Scott Walker Announces More Than $28 Million in Wisconsin Fast Forward Grants to State Technical Colleges”, Press Release, 7/17/14)
Governor Walker Ensured Every Student, Beginning In 6th Grade, Has The Opportunity To Create An Academic And Career Plan Based On His Or Her Interests. This individualized plan, developed and frequently revised by parents, teachers, and guidance counselors, will help ensure every child is on track to graduate with, not only a diploma, but also a plan. Nearly $1.1 million will be provided to school districts to give each student in 6th-12th grade in the 2017-18 school year has the opportunity to create an academic and career plan based on his or her interests.
Governor Walker Shortened The Time Licensees Need To Wait To Go From State Credential Testing to Going To Work. (2013 Wisconsin Act 114)
Increased Funding for Dual Enrollment Programs. These programs allow high school students to earn higher education credit and be exposed to programs that will align them with careers in high demand fields. (2013 Wisconsin Act 139)
Increased Funding For Apprenticeship Programs And Increased Funding For Apprenticeship Tuition Reimbursements To Employers And Employees. (2013 Wisconsin Act 57 and 2013 Wisconsin Act 112)
Increased Funding for Vocational Rehabilitation Services. This Will Provide Services To An Additional 6,000 Individuals With Disabilities. (2013 Wisconsin Act 58)
Created Scholarships For Students Who Excel In Technical Education. This Will Provide A Virtually Free Education To Students To Earn A Technical Degree. (2013 Wisconsin Act 60)
Created Per Pupil Incentive Payments for School Districts Who Graduate Students With Job Ready Credentials In High Need Fields. (2013 Wisconsin Act 59)
Expanded The Number Of Employers Eligible For Workforce Advancement Training (WAT) Grants. These Grants Help Employers Fill Positions In High Demand Fields. (2013 Wisconsin Act 328)
Invested State Funds Into STEM Grants For High Schools. (2013 Wisconsin Act 20)
Created A Grant Program For Employers Who Hire Veterans And Disabled Veterans. This Will Provide Another Incentive To Hire Our Heroes. (2013 Wisconsin Act 20)