PRPaul Ryan and the budget:

So many cheap shots have been taken against Paul, on some of these Tea party blogs, mostly to raise money for themselves, I believe this needs to be simplified.

Folks, before you run off shouting “names” like RINO etc. take the time to learn the process and what has happened. Democracy is a bitch, “worst possible form of govt., just better than the rest” Churchill.

Paul inherited a bad job, the few that wanted it, were not acceptable to everyone. A few Conservatives mentioned like Webster, Gohmert could not gather more than 40 votes. Paul has everyone’s respect including ours. Just like with Reagan, we do not agree with him all the time, but he has the best judgement and can pull us together.

We are in Fight for the Future of the World not control of the Sand box. Some of these little issues will be resolved in the future. What we will do in this years presidential election, is paramount.

The changing demographics are killing us. Reagan/Nixon won California, it is not possible anymore.

Paul got this job a few weeks ago. The process on this budget bill had already been started, did not go through Ways and Means. According to Sessions, it was done by 4 people, finishing just a day before the showdown vote, the choice then became closing down the govt or passing this bill.

I have talked to some of the best Conservative leaders, and they say this is the best we could get. Do you thnk Grothman, Sensenbrenner, and Johnson would have voted for it other wise??

What were our options?

  • Plan 1. Do nothing, by the deadline, and the govt. would not be funded, so would have to close down. Reid was doing it. Wrong, they passed continuing resolutions. Kasich and others are right? What then? We have to open it back up. Obama will not budge. We will have real mess. The Left blames us. We will not get anything more, cause this is what Hillary and Obama want, to tie up the election, create chaos like what we have in the presidential race..
  • Plan 2. Pass continuing resolution or pass what we want and send to Obama. He vetoes it, so go back to plan one, do not pass “Go”, will not collect $200.
  • Plan 3. Negotiate a deal, with the Dems, and get the best that we can. That is what was done, started under Boehner.

Go back to when after the Dems took over completely, in 2008. they passed TARP, and the trillion dollar increase in the budget. That is what happens when they had complete power. The Left plays for keeps, and so must we.

Look at what has happened since that first congress under Obama?. We took over the House, so the budget has not gone up much, but has actually gone down as per cent of GNP. Check it out, do not believe these blogs, ask your congressman or senator.

If Hillary would take power and the Let would take back the congess our Repubic is gone. We must fight every day, back our guys and realize what works and what does not.

We can pass all the goodies, like dumping Obamacare and PPH, but he will just veto it.

Time for the Conservatives to fight the enemy, get a president elected, then argue, fight, research, work, organize to get things done. We must win, not argue about the ants, look for the elephants.

Years back I read a book, by Kevin Phillips, about the growth of the “Ruling Class”, in DC and same in Madison. It consists of political operatives, hustlers, lawyers, lobbyists, institutes, foundations etc. They want to keep sucking on the back teat, as we used to say on the farm. We must fight the fact that we have a “Ruling Class”, that ignores the Grass Roots and epxose it every day. We have that in Madison, they all feed on our money.

On the little plaque that I have in my bathroom; “There are things in life that can be changed and things that I cannot. Wisdom is knowing the differnce”.
So, what to do we do.?

I look at our state. Know your legislators, work with them, recruit good ones, do your research, know the issues, do not expect to win every battle, but when you lose, move on to next issue, as there is always a new battle.

If you cut your cord on one issue, then you will be avoided in the future. Do not attack, swear, make vicious, slanderous remarks. Know what you are talking about, do research, and fight for our principles.

LBJ said: “half a loaf? Sometimes I have to be happy with a slice”.

Future of the World:
We are in the battle of a lifetime. What happens now will determine the next hundred years. With 8 more years of Obama types, we will be another Brazil, Venezuela, Greece, and in danger all the time. Having three kids and brother in law, in the Military, and over there all the time the last 12 years, studying this, we are really in deep doo doo, could explode any minute. Has always been the world’s trouble spot. And now the final apocalypse, talked about in the Bible, is scarily close.

There are 5 sides to this mess. If Iran had the bomb, God knows what would happen.
There are two sides, right now, except for those that call themselves Conservatives, that are killing our side, in this campaign.. Our presidential race is mess, every poll, state by state shows that any GOP, is going to lose badly. The Future is at stake and people are arguing about the anthills while the stampeding herd of elephants is upon us.

People ask me why do you and people like Tommy and others care? Your time is almost over. We have seen the light and fought the battles. We do not want our kids to grow up in a disastrously failing country.

Question of Day?? Will Trump bring out people that have not voted in the past? Why would they come out?

Bob and Jean Dohnal, Publishers
Wisconsin Conservative Digest

GOTV this year is paramount. We have been beaten every presidential year by a better vote getting enterprise. The Left knows how to campaign: Read the AFL-CIO book on campaigns. The Alinsky rules, and Old Abe who said: “Find every Whig and Get them out to vote”. The Left has done that through their 143 or so Victory headquarters. Phone calling does not do it anymore, you must hit the pavement, find every voter, that backs us, and drag them out to vote.