Republican Party of Polk County Call to Caucus
- Date: February 16, 2014 Time: 2:30 PM
- Where: Paradise Landing, 264 County Road I, Balsam Lake WI 715-485-3210
The 2014 Republican Party of Polk County Caucus is about a month away, I hope you are planning to attend.
- Several of our elected officials or their representatives have been invited to attend and to speak.
- Delegates to the District Caucus Saturday March 22, 2014 and the State Convention May 2-4, 2014 will be elected.
In 2014 we must support our governor, Scott Walker who has shown great leadership.
- Over 40,000 new jobs were created in Wisconsin in 2013,
- In Governor Walker’s Time in office over 10,000 new businesses were added.
- 94% of employers agree with the direction Wisconsin is moving.
- Governor Walker invested $100 million in workforce development for people to get needed skills.
- Wisconsin is one of 12 states that has a labor force participation rate of 68% or higher and Wisconsin’s unemployment drop to 6.3% in November, a five year low.
- Governor Walker eliminated the deficit without raising taxes, and has led the way to creating a surplus of over $750 million.
- Governor Walker reformed the state’s tax system so Wisconsin tax payers will see nearly $1 billion in tax relief for families and small businesses.
- Governor Walker pushed forward an additional $100 million property tax cut.
- Act 10 savings reached $2.7 Billion for school districts, municipalities, counties, tech colleges and the state retirement and health fund.
- The 2013-2015 biennial budget invests $380 million in new state funds aimed to enhance education.
- UW-System tuition freeze.
- School choice expansion.
- Over the past 3 years an influx of nearly $2 billion into the Medicaid program.
Vote Right; Vote Republican.
Alan K. Walker
Polk County Republicans