Congress Stimulus

Rino who voted for the spendulus plan

As the President said, “…the point of a Stimulus is to spend,” but wait ~ who is supposed to be spending the money?  Obama, you’ve got it all wrong!  A stimulus is when I spend my money, not the Government.

Make no mistake, this isn’t a stimulus bill and if anything it will prolong the coming recession or ignite a depression.

Who is going to pay for this nonsense?  No only me, but my kids, their kids, and their kids, maybe indefinitely.

This is a list of social programs that Democrats have been dreaming about for decades and now, under this false sense of Urgency (everything is a crisis with Democrats), they are going to force one of the largest, if not the largest growth of government onto an unsuspecting America.

Obama supporters still coming down from elation, have no ideas that they too are getting screwed.  Obama mania will quickly be replaced with fear and anger as Democrat voters realize that the “Messiah” is really a wolf in sheep’s clothing.  He is leading the charge and his legacy is likely going to be the end of America as we know it.

Has anyone noted that America is going down the same path as many Socialist Countries.  In fact, if you study history, Germany’s move towards Fascism under Hitler was greeted with enthusiasm from a scared public.  Failing businesses were excited that Hitler was going to “save” Germany, and by the same pattern and momentum we are seeing today in America.  Any time a Government starts taking over private businesses (a.k.a. – bailing them out) it is never a good thing; it is a disaster.

Already with this government take over, President Obama has told private businesses how they can spend their marketing budgets, how much they can pay their employees, and what they can and can not make and sell!

The ONLY reason we are staying on top of this is because of the free and open expression of Free Speech on talk radio and cable news, but wait ~ Fascism is working on that too.  Democrats are already calling for an end to talk radio under the “Fairness Doctrine” and it my prediction that it is only a matter of time before bloggers and the “free” internet will be targeted too.  This wouldn’t be believable, but take a look at most other countries under a dictator ~ freedom of speech and the press are first to go.

Senators have reached a tentative deal on a version of President Obama’s economic spending plan, including about $811 billion in spending and tax cuts, that will win enough Republican votes to move forward.

Sens. Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania and Susan Collins of Maine appeared to be the critical Republicans to sign onto the bill, giving Democrats the 60 votes needed to advance to a final vote. Democrats also voiced confidence that Republican Sen. Olympia Snow of Maine also would vote for the plan.

It isn’t certain when a vote would come, but Democratic leaders said it could possibly come Tuesday.

The agreement capped a tense day of backroom negotiations in which Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, joined by White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel, sought to attract the support of enough Republicans to give the measure the needed majority.

Conservatives must be the leaders in the current environment.  Republicans are too divided and have too many Rino posers working for their agenda and not the Conservative agenda.  I’m calling on the Republican Leadership to lead, strong and loud.  We need to be telling people what is really happening in Washington, how people are voting, and start calling people on the carpet for their votes.