Call to CaucusStrengthening Our Economy

  • Unemployment is down to 4.6 percent, lower than the national rate of 5.3 percent.
  • Wisconsin’s tax burden has been reduced by $2 billion and employer confidence is higher than it has been in years.
  • By ensuring able-bodied adults on certain public assistance programs are drug-free and have enrolled in employment training, Wisconsinites are getting back to work.
  • Wisconsin’s economy is growing and jobs are being created.  2014 marked the state’s best year for private sector job growth in a decade.
  • Workforce Readiness Initiatives have been expanded to encourage economic growth and reduce the number of Wisconsinites dependent on government.

Reducing Taxes and Burdensome Regulations

  • Property taxes on the average home have been lowered for six years in a row.
  • Property taxes in Wisconsin will be lower in 2016 than they were in 2010 – and not many other states can make that claim.
  • Construction costs for local governments have been lowered due to the repeal of Wisconsin’s antiquated prevailing wage law.  That means schools and local governments will save millions.

Empowering Wisconsinites

  • By making significant investments in worker training programs, this budget supports veterans who return from serving their country.
  • By adding $600 million to Medicaid, needy families, children, and seniors are protected.
  • State aid for public schools has been increased, and by lifting the cap on school choice enrollment, parents have more options to ensure their child gets a quality education.
  • UW tuition has been frozen for another two years – marking the first time in UW history that tuition remained frozen for four years.