The Republican Party of Polk County Cordially invites you to attend our 2021 Lincoln Day Dinner!

BrowTine Restaurant and Event Center
1361 100th Street
Amery, WI 54001
¼ mile North of HWY 8 on CTY RD H
5:00 PM — Social Hour – Cash Bar
6:00 PM — Dinner
7:00 PM — Speakers
$30.00 — At the Door
$20.00 — Students age 25 or under
Banquet Buffet Style Roast Beef, Roast Turkey, Fresh Lettuce Salad, Italian Pasta, Baked Potato, Mixed Vegetable, Dessert, Coffee at Station.
Cash Bar

• Former Lt. Governor Rebecca Kleefisch
• Gae Magnafici, 28th Assembly District
• State Senator Rob Stafsholt
• Empower Wisconsin President Adam Jarchow
We are asking those that attend to bring canned and/or dried food for a food drive for a local food shelf.
Please RSVP by Friday, April 19, 2021, to:
Pat Peterson
2004 110th Avenue
Dresser, WI 54009
Call: 715.755.2644 or
Paid for by Polk County Republican Party of Wisconsin, Alan Walker Acting Treasurer.